How to Use Freshdesk Ticket System

Modified on Wed, 19 Jun 2024 at 06:11 PM

Instructions for Using the Ticket System to Report Issues

1.Go to the Freshdesk Ticket website and login using your GnJoy ID, Facebook or Google Mail.

2. Click on "Submit a Ticket" to create a new support ticket.

3. Choose the type of game where the issue occurred (PC games / Mobile games).

4. Select the subject of the issue or type in a detailed description to expedite troubleshooting. Then, click "Submit" to send the ticket.

5. You can track the progress and view all submitted tickets under the "Tickets" section on the top right.

6. Players can respond to the case to provide additional information or reply to the support team's inquiries as needed.

7. Monitor the case status from the "Status" tab. Sometimes, you may not see your ticket if it has been Status resolved or closed by the admin.

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